
Aug 12, 20191 min

let it Bee

I have most recently discovered that I am too often looking towards the future.
"Well, when I buy a house, things will be different."Well, when my daughter starts school, things will change.""Well, when I get married, things will become easier to handle." So on and so forth.

Growing up, we are constantly nagged to slow down. "Stop growing up so fast." That is what we were often told.

At age 17, I found out I was pregnant. This defied all things that I was told growing up as I got catapulted into adulthood. I have now realized that no matter how much time I waste looking forward to something that may or may not change anything about my life, I need to be happy now. I need to live a life that I am proud of.

I need to let it 🐝.

