
Jul 26, 20192 min

Your too nice.

All my life i have always been told i am too nice. I never understood that till now. I have always been taught to put others first and to help every chance i can that id be rewarded in the end. That Gods watching.



Well over the years people have put me down, called me names, taken advantage of me, walked all over me and people always say its because im too nice. It used to make me think wow how do i not be as nice without being mean ya know? I would think and think driving myself mad. Asking why am i like this? Why am i too nice. Why do i let people do this? Well i got sick of letting people into my thoughts.



I was taught to care for people. I was taught to understand why people act the way they do. I was taught to do everything i can to help people even when they harm me. Why? Because majority of people that harm me have been harmed themselves or werent taught how to love like i was. I was taught to show people the love i was taught so they can show others. We are humans. As Humans we have hormones and emotions. We need to be more understanding to other peoples minds, thoughts, feelings and past. We need more people that are too nice in this world. We need to show other people how it feels to have someone be too nice to them. We need to show people that they want to make other people feel that way . Its a cycle thats needed in this world.



So i will never stop being too nice. I care. I try to understand. I want to show you love! This is what i was taught and believe is the right thing to do. I am happy now that i can take it as a compliment when someone says im too nice. Hopfully everyone in the situation can learn from it and be nicer in the future too! To peace and love thats needed for everyone✌🏻💚
