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  • Writer's picturedymoore1204


Ew. 😖 Who wants to adult?

A couple months ago I would say not me, I hate being an adult, I didn’t ask for this, when does it end, I just want to sleep, etc. Up until yesterday I didn’t realize how much my mindset has changed.

Yesterday i I got to spend the day with a close friend and her family for her daughters bIrthday. We swam, we ate, we went to the zoo, we went to the fair, we laughed, we gave whoopins 😂 we had fun! I laid in bed and realized that adulting very complicated. It’s very rocky, very stressful, very emotional, but also very rewarding. I was able to make such an impact on a little girl and contribute to her having the “best birthday ever” those are memories that will last for her forever.

Because I was laying in bed thinking of all of this I have also come to realize, sometimes the people in your life really do contribute to why you are so unhappy. If you keep the wrong people around you will always have the same issues. The people in your circle should be uplifting you, encouraging you, dependable, proud of you, love you, want the best for you, all that. If they aren’t then ask yourself why they are still around. Because if you are giving all of those things out and not receiving the benefits of a MUTUAL friendship/relationship then you are going to run yourself ragged.Well I know I did at least. And I know you all have heard the phrase “actions speak louder than words” adulting in a nutshell 😂

But the other rewarding part of adulting is watching your progress.

Ive always thought the amount of people you have in your corner determines how much you are liked or loved or cared about. Right now I have the least amount of people in my life that I’ve ever had and I’ve never felt so loved and appreciated. And I never thought it would be something I would say. I sit and really encourage you to reflect the ones you have around you because your happiness is important. So important.

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