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  • Writer's pictureAliya Terrell

Be The Person Who Makes YOU Happy!

Hey Queens!

Today I wanted to talk about happiness. I have been reading a lot of uplifting quotes these last few weeks and I just wanted to say: you deserve to be happy! Everyone deserves to be happy. I know that life ALWAYS is throwing a curve ball and sometimes it just seems like too much to handle. But if I continue to view life like what’s next? What is going to happen that is going to set me back even further, then I’ll never get out of what I’m going through! But instead look at the situation at hand and say to myself: alright Aliya - a door has closed so a much better door can open. I have started viewing situations like this and I overall feel better about my life. Don’t get me wrong, I still get upset about things- I mean I am human. But not looking at that closed doors so negatively wasn’t really helping me.

Story time – in September of last year I started a job that I really loved, and then got laid off in October – right before my birthday. I was so upset I didn’t understand why this was happening to me when I need that job so bad (I had bills to pay, a house hold to take care of, a life to live).. Thankfully I found another job that was temporary. Around January the job that I oh-so love called me and wanted me to come back, I was over the moon with excitement. I started with a different boss and ABSOLUTELY hated it. I didn’t want to go to work every day, honestly at all. I couldn’t stand going there. It literally changed my whole view on life at that moment. I finally said to myself: Aliya you can’t keep going to a job that you don’t like especially for the money, it started to become a toxic place for me. A cousin of mine told me that a receptionist job opened up at her job. I instantly JUMPED on that. I have always wanted to be a receptionist, I am super organized, I enjoy doing office like stuff and I have a super bubbly personality to be the front desk person at this place. So I took the opportunity and applied. Within days I heard something back and eventually got the job! I am currently so happy with where I am working. This place loves me and I love working here. Several employees including some bosses have told me that I am doing an amazing job and they want to hire me on as an employee (I’m a temp right now).

Three months ago, there was no way that you would tell me I would be happy to go to work. I wouldn’t mind waking up early in the morning to go to a “job”. So the point of this is, FIGHT for yourself. Fight to make yourself happy. Be patient, believe you can do it and you will do it. If someone in your life is a road block for your happiness, LEAVE them in the past. You always got to do what’s best for you. Love yourself. Be YOU and don’t let anyone take you from you.

Hope you’re having a wonderful day! Keep your head held high your beautiful soul.

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